Art Brut. The book of books

a cura di Élisabeth Berst e Christian Berst, testi di Graciela Gracia Muñoz

5Continents 2022

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– For the first time in a single publication, a collection of personal journals and sketchbooks by 60 great figures of Art Brut, including Henry Darger, Charles Dellschau, James Castle, and Adolf Wölfli – A stunning book of books that invites you to turn the pages of 60 unique handmade volumes and gain a deeper understanding of the humanity and genius of these visionary artists A revelatory glimpse into the passions and obsessions of 60 visionary artists through the medium of their personal sketchbooks, treatises, storybooks, grimoires, and journals. This unprecedented gathering of handmade books from the most notable Art Brut artists has been brought together expressly for this publication from both public and private collections. Each volume is showcased in separate chapters featuring the cover and a selection of inside pages, with accompanying commentary. They cover the period from the early 20th century to the present, and include works by Horst Ademeit, Alöise, Giovanni Bosco, James Castle, Henry Darger, Charles Dellschau, Malcolm MacKesson, Dan Miller, Michel Nedjar, Jean Perdrizet, Royal Robertson, Charles Steffen, Oskar Voll, August Walla, and Adolf Wölfli, among others. Text in English and French.