Women in revolt!

a cura di Linsey Young

Art and Activism in the UK 1970–90

Tate Publishing 2023

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Discover the work and lived experiences of a postwar generation of women and artists, largely omitted from art historical narratives, that changed the face of British culture A timely exploration of the work and lived experiences of a postwar generation of women artists that have largely been omitted from art historical narratives, Women in Revolt! surfaces the wealth and diversity of work created in the UK during the 1970s and ’80s, a period of seismic social and political change. Across a wide variety of mediums including painting, drawing, sculpture, performance, film, and photography, this extensive exhibition book reflects on how women’s needs were marginalized within mainstream culture and reveals how artists used radical ideas and methods to confront issues that will resonate with contemporary audiences–from access to healthcare and class struggles to ecological disaster, racism, and misogyny. Featuring essays on feminist film distribution, the visibility of Black and South Asian women artists, Section 28 and the AIDS pandemic, Greenham Common and the peace movement, and the intersection of punk, feminism, and art, Women in Revolt! celebrates the full diversity of what was a highly creative, politically engaged, and determined community of women that paved the way for future generations and, ultimately, changed the face of British culture.